HMCA specializes in the management of diagnostic imaging centers equipped with the STAND-UP® MRI.
The STAND-UP® MRI with POSITION® Imaging, also known as the UPRIGHT® Multi-Position™ MRI, is the only MRI scanner that allows patients to be scanned in any position, including standing, sitting, bending or lying down.
As the only MRI capable of scanning patients in weight-bearing positions, the STAND-UP™ MRI has detected problems that were underestimated or completely missed by conventional MRI scanners which invariably require patients to be scanned lying down, i.e. in a non-weight-bearing position.
Common Sense Advanced Technology
If a patient experiences pain or other symptoms only when standing, sitting or bending, common sense dictates that the MRI exam should be conducted with the patient in that very position.
There are many instances of patients who complained of back pain and were scanned on conventional lie-down MRIs only to be told that the results were “normal.” Unwilling to accept these results without question and resign themselves to somehow cope with their pain, these patients were referred to STAND-UP® MRI centers so they could be scanned in weight-bearing positions, either sitting or standing. The results were dramatically different. Their previously undetected problems were clearly identified, enabling their physicians to make the proper diagnoses and prescribe the proper surgeries or treatment plans.
Unparalleled Patient Comfort
- The STAND-UP® MRI is the only true Open MRI.
- Most patients sit and watch TV throughout their scans.
- The “Non-Claustrophobic” MRI
- Quiet and Comfortable
- No "Tunnel," No “Tube”
- Nothing in Front of the Patient’s Face or Overhead
All HMCA-managed STAND-UP® MRI centers feature:
The Highest Quality Medical Staff and Facilities
- Board-Certified Radiologists
- Specialists in MSK and Neuroradiology
- High-Resolution Diagnostic Images
- ACR–Accredited Facilities
- Timely Results
- Same-Day Reports Upon Request
Excellent Administrative/Office Support
- Courteous, Professional, Competent Staff
- Easy and Convenient Patient Scheduling
- Early Morning, Late Evening and Weekend Appointments
Outstanding Patient Accommodations
- Most Insurances, including HMO's
- Medicare, Workers' Compensation, Auto Accidents
- Payment Plans for Qualified Patients
- Transportation Assistance for Qualified Patients