Logo-Stand-Up and 3T Imaging of Casselberry
407.987.4001   407.987.4002 FAX


Stand-Up MRI and 3T Imaging of Casselberry
2915 Lakeview Drive, Suite 1041
Fern Park, FL, 32730
Tax ID: 65-0637743     NPI: 1093437386
ACR accredeted

Insurance Information

Stand-Up MRI and 3T Imaging of Casselberry accepts most insurance plans. See the complete list below. If your insurance company is not there, please call our office to see if there is some way we might be able to help you.

Our direct number is 407.987.4001. Our friendly staff members are eager to assist you in any way they can.


Aetna Health Inc.(888) 632-3862
CareWorks Ancillary Care Network (DTN)
Homelink Diagnostic Imaging (DTN)
Medicare (877) 869-6504
Streamline Imaging, LLC (DTN)(855) 877-9292
Total Network Resources
US Imaging(877) 661-3920